Start your configuration

One designated partner who guides all your conveyor systems from start to finish? We build your conveyor solutions as a standard system or a customised solution.

Whether you come to us with simply an idea, a raw draft or a completely finished lay-out; we will guide you through the entire process and act as your total partner for all your conveyor projects.

Furthermore, we are not committed to one type of conveyors – we offer a complete range of solutions. Combining several types of conveyor systems? Bridging heights? Providing specific frames or belts? We start from standard components that are modulated, combined and integrated so that the result is a unique conveyor system, completely custom-made to your requirements or those of your customer.

That combination of standardisation and customisation gives us the edge, technically as well as economically.

  • Selection from a complete range of conveyor types
  • Tailored to your sector, products and application
  • 1 partner for your internal transport
  • The right balance between quality, price and efficiency
  • More than 15 years of experience

Trusted by

End customer
Machine builders

Our approach


The right advice and proper guidance for your project. Advice that aligns our offer to your request – and not the other way around. From a single conveyor belt to a complete system.


Accurate engineering of your conveyor projects is essential to provide a suitable solution. We listen, think along and develop the required elements.

Assembly & installation

You can also rely on us for the assembly and installation of conveyors and complete internal material handling systems. Our technicians are at your service.

Service & maintenance

Are you looking for a reliable partner to maintain your conveyor (systems)? To have a single point of contact in case of a technical issue? Our service department is always at the ready.

Do you want a complete solution for your conveyor projects?

Start your configurationContacteer ons